Paraffin Wax Technology Master Mixing Valve with Cabinet Assembly
LF Cabinet Assembly
- LV-186-981A-LF-STSTL-REC
Thermostatic water mixing valve, Copper encapsulated thermostatic assembly with Teflon coated shuttle Lead free (ECO-MIX ™) Combination checkstops, unions on inlets, wall support Locking temperature regulating handle. Tempered outlet ball valves, Color coded dial thermometer (0 to140ºF, -10º to 60ºC). Recessed Stainless Steel cabinet, with door, left hand hinge and flange, cylinder lock, Rough Bronze finish. Bottom inlets, top outlet Factory assembled and tested
Valve assembly is certified to meet Low-Lead requirements of wetted surface area containing less than 0.25% lead by weight. All other fittings and components, the sum total of which comprise the wetted surface of this product contains less than one quarter of one percent of lead by weight.